1. Before you leave for your trip get plenty of excersize, get all of your business affairs in order and plenty of sleep
2. Drink a lot of water...even though those mile high bloody marys are calling your name
3. Get good sleep on plane (bring cozy socks, sleeping eye mask, ear phones or plugs) unless you are in
shmancy 1st class, then they give you fun gift bags filled with everything you need
4. Try the anti jet lag diet. Maybe it works?
5. Then there are the people that swear by the Anti Jet Lag Pills...maybe they will be your savior?
If none those work then the best thing to do is give your self a break...snuggle...nap...and eat at your leisure.
You will eventually be ok.
P.S. It helps to have your significant other cater to your every whim ;)
P.P.S. Sorry again about the lack of pics...b-o-r-i-n-g!!! :(
Good Luck!
xoxo t.w.h.