Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Yummies: Mon Petite Cherie

We know the old saying "Let them eat cake.." Well, we do... We really really do. If you set a cake in front of us.. It will be gone.

These days with a rash of baby showers and birthday parties.. We have had our fair share of cake!

But, who is to say what the right amount of cake is?
It is very easy to get carried away when you see a glorious giant birthday cake in front of your little face... And these days, well, these days cupcakes are come as big as your head!

So, in the name of portion control, and in all honesty just in the name of super cute girlie-ness, we are calling it now that Petit Fours are going to be making a huge comeback. Huge.

A quick history of the Petit Four.
Petit Four is french for small oven, there are two kinds of Petit Fours,
Petits fours secs (sec meaning "dry") include a variety of small desserts, such as special dainty biscuits, baked meringues,macaroons, and puff pastries. Petits fours glacés (glacé meaning "iced") are iced ordecorated in some way, such as tiny cakes covered in fondant or glacé icing, small éclairs, and tartlets.

Today we will be talking, and drooling over the Petits fours glacés.

We are planing a baby shower for a friend and oh boy, are we gonna stock up on these adorable and delicious little cakes. Because you honestly can't get much more fantastic sweets for a baby shower then neat (ie: girls in pretty dresses NOT covered in frosting) little single bites of goodness.
Hey friend with a baby coming.. Are you excited?

Don't worry we are going to order them... Because we are not half the bad-ass that the lovely lady from Vegan Yum Yum is.

Because once again you stun us with your vegan Martha Stewart ways... Your beautiful results and amazing step by step pictures make us shutter to think how our versions of your pastries would turn out.

Anyone who has the balls (Miss t.w.h) to make their own petit fours... Check out the Vegan Yum Yum site for all the tips.

For the rest of us, we thank our lucky stars that the internet was invented!

Because in just a point and a click, you can have yummy baby cakes delivered to your door... Or the door of someone you love.

Have you ever tried Valerie's chocolate? No? You poor thing! Please do and do it as soon as you can. This marvelous little company also makes petit fours.
What a treat!

Oh my goodness! We are going into cake euphoria! Calgon take me away!!!!

O.K back to earth... Have you seen this amazing and beautiful lip balm? Oh we are such suckers for packaging...
Happy Birthday to me!

Having a party? Just looking for something sweet? Try some Petit fours, we promise you will be on the cutting edge of desert chic.

XOXO- Things-We-Heart