From our first trip into, the now closed, Tracy Feith store in NYC with Miss Me and picking out my dream wedding dress..(if my wedding... that i never wanted... was in a tropical land) an empire waist, strapless, sari fabric gown, with pockets... what??? OH YES my fashion lurvers...YES!
It was fantasmic. Never have I seen a dress that actually made me want to get married..never..well except for this seasons YSL silk goddess version.. which um anyone??? Hello??? I need that dress. Here is a pic of it.. add it to my bday list (if you didn't get me a gift) or Xmas (maybe it will be on sale by then)
So, I instantly fell in utter heart land with Mr. Feith.
Although his appearance and design sense make you think he was born on the golden beaches of the 'Bu (Malibu, CA), he actually was born and raised in Texas. He didn't actually get his own sense of fashion and style until he moved to Huntington Beach and became a surfer.
How hot is he!!!
According to him, the beach scene, style and music is what moulded him into the designer he is today. The beach 'll do that to ya.
With a small series of lucky meetings and events he slowly crept into the hearts of Manhattan-ites... which I'm sure all of you I.T.K. are super aware that that is basically muy impossible to do. That's how cool and unique his designs are.
He is the epitome of Bohemian Luxury...that just sounds hot!
I wish we could get our lil peanut butter filled fingers on some more photos of his private lines, but they seem to be as mysterious as he is.
So we give you his design collab. with the one and only Target!!! Yay!
It was released on May 17 (sorry we have been on the road for a while and we are super tardy on this post!!!) but to make it up to you, you can get it online!!!! Good thing because the stores are E-M-P-T-Y!
So sit back, pull out your debit card (credit cards are soooo last year) and pick out some favs...
FYI the line runs a size smaller we think.
Miss Me now owns and looks ridiculously hot in these bloomers.
Miss Me also wore this floral bubble dress with exposed zipper (left) and we have never been more jealous (in a good way)...well until she wore jean shorts later and gave t.w.h. a huuge leg complex (she's hot)
And hello??? Where is this 2 tone patterned dress???
I have scoured every store I pass and online everyday and nada!
I have scoured every store I pass and online everyday and nada!
Of course a surfer does a great bikini! We saw 3 styles and they are all super super cute and girly in a boho kinda way.
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P.S. My order should be here any day so I will try to let you know how it goes ;)
xoxo t.w.h.